Here's the part of the Edit Product page where merchants can create a Revenue Split:
To create a revenue split:
Edit the product
Under "Product Revenue Split", click on the Plus sign to add a merchant
Type in the merchant's name
Select what percent of the product's revenue they'll get
The Product Revenue Split applies to all of the product's variations. However, if you wish, you can also set a revenue split that applies only to a single variation. To do so, click on Override the product revenue split, and then enter a revenue split that applies only to the current variation.
The portion of the product's revenue that is assigned to a merchant is called their Revenue Share. E.g., "Oren's revenue share is 30%." All of the merchants that have a Revenue Share in a product (including the store owner) are called Revenue Participants.
Only users that have a Kitely Market store can become Revenue Participants. But the store doesn't have to include any products; it can be empty.
In addition, all of the Revenue Participants can see the sale in the following places:
They get an email notification about the sale
The Sales History page
Sales Reports (in CSV format)
Order details page
Payouts (only if the product sold for USD)
This means that Revenue Participants can see products from other stores appear in tables that normally show only their own products. To make it clear that these products belong to other stores, the store name is shown below the product, and the merchant's Revenue Share is shown below the Received amount. For example, the following screenshot shows a Sales History page with two items: one that belongs to the merchant's own store ("Beach Chair"), and one that belongs to a different store ("Parrots [Solo]"). Note that the other store's name ("Caldwell's Curiosities") appears below the product name.
The Refund and Redeliver options are only available to the owner of the store from which the product was bought; other Revenue Participants are not allowed to initiate these actions.