Status - whether the product is currently included in searches, and available for purchasing:
Active - the product is shown in the market, and can be purchased.
Inactive - the product isn't shown in the market.
Editing - the product is currently being modified. The changes aren't visible in the market yet. If the product is Active then the previous version continues to be shown in the market.
Suspended - the product has been disabled due to a violation of the Kitely Market terms of service.
Products can have attributes that describe them: for example, their Color or Material. Attributes make it easy for buyers to find the items they want. For example, users can click on the attribute "Blue" to see all the blue products in the market. For an example of how this works, take a look at the Best Buy TV shopping page. Notice how the left side of the screen contains attributes: Screen TV Size, TV Type, etc.
Prices in USD can be set between $1 and $1000.
KC - users pay Kitely Credits (KC), and the merchant gets KC deposited into their Kitely account. Prices in KC can be set between 10 KC and 200,000 KC.